Tuesday, November 8, 2011

More republican Hypocrisy

I think I get the republican game plan now

1. All republican chicken hawks put us into as many wars as they can get away with.  Remember the main chicken hawks Dick Cheney ( 5 Vietnam war deferments) and Georgie Bush Jr. (AWOL for 1 year getting stoned- he's the guy that will hold your coat while you go in and fight) put us into Iraq just so that Cheney could make trillions via Halliburton and Georgie Jr. could stop the big bad neo conservatives from calling his daddy a pussy for not invading Iraq.

         * say God bless America and God bless our troupes every chance they get

2. Then when it comes time to fund the care for the war crippled, they fight the Democrats who want to honor our troupes by funding the support of treating their war injuries for life.

3. They even refuse to give the vets special help to gain employment, makes me want to throw up especially because so many stupid people will still support this hypocrisy.

4. They defend the right to life of the unborn until they are born then refuse to fund social programs to support unwed mothers.  Then go to church every Sunday believing they are good Christians ignoring what Jesus said about caring for the least amongst us.

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Today in the Senate

The Democrats want to vote on the Jobs Bill.  The republicans have no leg to stand on and so simply filibuster and change the discussion to the Health Care Bill in order to deflect the truth.  So, let's talk about the Health Care Bill.  Here are some simple truths:

1. Nobody is refused care at the emergency room

2. Erskine Bowles said his recent visit to Arkansas revealed that 53,000 uninsured showed up at emergency rooms in one year in his state and received treatment.

3. Emergency room rates are the most expensive in the delivery system

4. The Hospitals DO NOT eat these losses, they are called uncompensated care.  The Hospitals raise their costs on all services and end up charging the insured inflated rates so that they loose nothing and we insured end up paying the bill for all of the uninsured.

5. Nearly all, if not all, illegal immigrants do not have health insurance and are flooding our emergency rooms with uncompensated care....we need to secure the border....more on that later.

6. The unbelievable pay that the Chairwoman of Blue Cross is gross, greedy and simply disgusting...she makes more than 12 million a year in pay not to mention other remunerations.  Now, though Blue Cross is non profit, we still pay for these absurd executive salaries...and by the way...raising her taxes will not hurt job creation...see other post. 

7. Forty cents of every health care dollar goes to paying these useless insurance companies.

8. I watched the hearings on the Health Care bill, every insurance company executive all said the same thing  i.e. the bigger the insured pool the better assuming most in the pool are healthy.

Bottom line - we need to have a one payer system, fire all of the insurance company employees, reduce their pay and hire 50% in the government paying entity, build a triple wall on the border to keep out illegals and begin deporting illegals when they are caught breaking our laws like drunk driving, domestic violence, theft and other offenses.

What do you think the republican leader intended

When republican greed leader McConnell vowed to make Obama a one term president, he knew all he had to do was allow nothing to change.  The republicans left this country in such a lurch that he knew without intervention, we would not be able to climb out of the ditch he and the Bush administration put us in.  He knows that a bad economy is the best way to insure a one term presidency.  So, my fellow Americans, here we have a powerful (by virtue of the Senate filibuster rules) greedy republican that has no compunction about inflicting suffering on the masses just so that he and the other super greedy republicans can again gain the White house.  If they do, that should about do it for this country based on where they took us the last time they held all of the cards.