Monday, January 30, 2012

Offshore accounts

Why would anyone want an offshore account.  I looked it up:

1.  Depending on which offshore account, earnings may not be reported to the account holder's home country.

2. Money is shielded from changes in tax laws in the depositor's home country

3. Offshore business investment earnings may or may not be reported to the country of residence until such time that the account holder repatriates the monies.

4. Remember, Romney and the rest of the greedy right have proposed eliminating the tax on offshore earnings so that the owners of the funds (3 trillion dollars) will bring them back into the USA tax free.

5. Accounts are shielded from the IRS and other US entities.

So, do we want a President that has most of his money offshore and therefore no skin in the game in the USA?

Saturday, January 28, 2012

Illegal Immigrants

Illegal Immigration is a big issue in the Florida primary and so the focus in the debates.  Here is why we are seeing what we see happening in Florida.

1. The Republican masses (the average Joe) view illegal immigrants as Non-Americans (as they should)  and believe they have no rights in this country and would prefer that they were not here.

2. The Republican power base (the rich white guys) want illegal immigration.  They (the rich) can hire illegals at very low hourly rates and do not have to worry about safe working conditions, health care or any other benefits for that matter.  So who benefits from illegal only get one guess - it is the rich business owners that hire them.  Who suffers from illegal immigration - the rest of us in higher health insurance costs that are inflated since we pay for the uncompensated care provided in the emergency rooms to illegal immigrants, school lunches for their children, food stamps for the parents, additional school and civic resources to support the population etc.

Notice Romney's position, he wants to fine companies that hire illegal immigrants - he does not need large money donors for his campaign whereas Gingrich does and so he takes the opposite position and proposes granting amnesty and citizenship so that his angel donor (Sheldon Adelson) who owns many casinos and hotels, can continue to employ cheep illegal labor.

I think it is disgusting how low these rich powerful greedy people will go to swell their own wallets at the expense of exploiting human beings (illegal immigrants) and destroying our country in the process and Gingrich who is willing to support this mess in order to get elected.  

I said it before and I'll say it again, how can the rank and file blue collar regular working guy republican vote is mind boggling how they are allowing themselves to be manipulated by the republican spin machine and getting screwed in the process.

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Voting against your self interest

If you vote republican and are not rich then you are voting against your own interest.  Here's why, giving the rich huge tax breaks does not result in more jobs in the good old US of A.  As we have seen too often they (the filthy rich) are investing off shore.  If they were made to pay their fare share of taxes then we would be approximately 4 trillion dollars less in debt.  So, I assume you don't like deficits and debt, if so, vote democrat and we will get these grifters to pay their fare share.

Saturday, January 21, 2012


Did anyone else notice how Gingrich was more careful referring to notes in his victory speech tonight?  It was as if he all of a sudden had to stay in bounds.  I think the right wing power decided to throw Romney under the bus and adopt Gingrich.  I say this for 2 reasons:

1. Gingrich is a better debater than Romney
2. They (the right wing power) decided they could not stand another scorched earth episode of Gingrich running around telling the truth on them e.g. vulture capitalism etc.

I also noticed that Santorum appears to be dealing with the true problem now.  He literally said that lowering taxes and ending regulations will not fix our problems and that we need to focus on education and rebuilding our manufacturing base with good paying jobs.   This is more poison to (the right wing power) and so something will come up to get him out of the race...just watch.

Thursday, January 19, 2012

What a swell bunch of guys

Newt was having an affair and asked his wife to allow him to have a girl friend while he was delivering family value speeches and leading the impeachment of Bill Clinton.  Willard Romney has been proposing the elimination of certain taxes for off shore earnings such that he and the rest of his rich cronies would be able to repatriate the money tax free.  Santorum wants to wipe out Medicaid because he calls it a giveaway.  So, if you get sick and have no private insurance the only way out is to get better without treatment or die...way to go Rick. 
The religious right and working class republicans will vote for these guys.  This is my point, there has to be a lot of lazy thinkers out there voting.

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

President's Jobs Bill

If you are confused about who (Republicans or Democrats) is causing our job creation to stay unacceptably low then you need to ask yourself why the Republicans will not allow the President's jobs bill to go to the floor of the House for an up or down vote....  give up.... ok, I'll tell you.  Because it would help create jobs and the Republicans know that they put us in such a ditch following Bush that all they need to do is stop all corrective actions and the economy will stay in the toilet and Obama will not get re-elected.  The big problem with this is that it hurts people and they (Republicans) apparently don't give a damn.

So, what have the Republicans in the House done this past congress.  They have renamed several Post Offices, read the Constitution out loud on the floor of the House and came up with a collection of crap they call job bills that consisted of nothing more tax reductions for the rich and/or killing regulations.

Think for a moment.  You are a business owner, demand for your product is strong and rising and you make a business decision not to hire additional employees to meet the demand and increase revenues because you don't want to pay more in taxes and the new regulations will reduce your profit margins from 6% down to 5.95%.  Really?  I don't think so.

The Republicans are pure greed and lazy thinking people vote them into office.

Monday, January 16, 2012

Tonight's Debate

Let's see; Newt wants the top tax rate to be 15%.....Ron Paul wants the top rate to be 0%.  How the hell will any Federal bills get paid?  I guess they want to completely eliminate the Army, Navy, Air Force and Marines.

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Did God get it wrong

You would think that God knew that a nose picking mouth breather from Texas, a crazy lady who married a gay man and a pimp could not win the GOP nomination so why did he tell them to run.   I mean, if God is omnipotent and therefore never wrong, then what voice did they hear?  Were the voices just in their heads or was the claim of divine assignment pure bullshit.

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

They are stupid or lying

I watched an interview with Bachmann this morning where the interviewer actually challenged her to explain how she would cover the uninsured.  She actually believes, or at least says so,  that the coverage can be provided by religious charities.  Really?  How many charities are going to cover heart bypass surgeries and long term care.  Does anyone really believe this will work?  By the way, this is the same answer provided by Ron Paul in an earlier debate.

On a different subject, I have never seen a more slimy lying ground crawling scum bag than Willard Romney.   This pile of sewage will do and say anything to get elected.  Even Gingrich calls him a sleazy liar.   More on this pile of crap later.