Friday, December 30, 2011

Nothing new

I've been listening to some of the Republican candidate interviews the past couple of days.    The following appears to be the position of all of these whack jobs except for Ron Paul who is just simply too crazy to ever get elected.

War - they all are ready to commit troops to Iran.  Just like with the useless Iraq war the right wingers are eager to commit troops but when it comes to treating their long term physical and emotional injuries they claim they have no money.   Do you really want to vote for people like this?

Abortion - all women must deliver all babies no matter what....they say.    Ok, so after unwed unskilled mothers have their babies none of the right wingers want to help the young mother get on her feet or provide any support for the baby.   Do you really want to vote for people like this?

Jobs - Newt pulls no punches, he literally uses the words that his policies will favor the people that actually create jobs.  Here we go again.   Have we not learned anything by the economic disaster the bush years brought us.  Too many people have no money and too few people have too much money which equals no demand which equals high unemployment.  Do you really want to vote for people that will put us back into the economic mess of the bushy years?

Sunday, December 25, 2011

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Saturday, December 24, 2011

Holiday Message - - GREED

I have been on the Yahoo message boards the past few days exchanging insults with the whacked out right wingers and tea bagger crowd.  For the most part it was the usual discourse between pussy liberals and right wing rat bastards.  However, this time I noticed a pattern of irony and hypocrisy due to the time of year.  Many of the right wingers took the time a trouble to post their plans for their annual holiday charitable giving events.  Most relating to toys for the poor and Christmas meals for the homeless.  When I tried to point out to them how horrible their pathetic charitable actions are in the context of the hate and bile they spew the rest of the year for those that need help they, well, these good Christians spared no vulgarities when telling me where to stuff my opinions.   Let's reflect on who we are talking about.

- In one of the rwrb presidential primary debates the crowd could not contain themselves and shouted out to let a hypothetical uninsured person die instead of giving them medical help.

- Newt wants to put poor children .....CHILDREN, to work cleaning school toilets.

- The rwrb put the following poison pill riders on tax cut extension
  • Drug test the unemployed - I wonder how frequently (weekly?) they plan to test and how they would do it and what it would cost to  conduct such testing weekly for 14 million UI recipients
  •  Require a GED - So, a 55 year old brick layer that used to make $25 per hour without a diploma now needs to get one in order to get what kind of job?  Again, who pays for the education to get a GED
  • They want to reduce the benefit period by 40%.  It seems they look forward to putting all of these people in the street as soon as they can for some reason.
 - The extra terrestrial illegal immigrant Ron Paul wants to end the support for "in trouble mortgages" and throw millions of families into the street - - - - and the audience applauds wildly.

- The rwrb want to repeal Obama care - this is a subject of protracted discussion but I'll just go straight to the bottom line - the question is - do you provide the uninsured with medical treatment or not.  If the rwrb answer is not then who will pay to bury them after they have died in the streets.  If the rwrb answer is to treat them then who pays.  Currently every insured person pays for uncompensated care.  Ron Paul suggested that religious charities will pay the bill.  Hmmmm, heart surgeries can end up costing $100,000.00+.   Do you really believe that such charities will pay these bills.

- The rwrb want to end SS, Medicare and Medicaid.  Again, people cannot afford to pay these medical costs any other way and so without these programs will again end up in the street (the providers will break them financially before throwing them out of the hospitals and so they will also have no home), they will then die in the street and who will pay to bury them.

- Oh, by the way, the more people they throw into the street that are not deathly sick will revolt...already started by the 99 %ers, and begin to cause civil problems.  The problem here is that the rwrb do not want to pay police.  Gov. fat rwrb Christie want to end the practice of allowing civil servants (fire and police) to accumulate sick and other time off hours for pay out at retirement.  So, less qualified people will be attracted to be police and likely fewer of them.  So, eventually these rwrb will screw themselves since there will be no one to protect their assets.
There's more but I am loosing my enthusiasm to continue describing the rwrb agenda

So, you rwrb, I simply cannot understand why you even bother to do the annual one day charitable act and treat your fellow man like dog shit the other 364 days of the year.  Maybe it's just so that you have something to claim when you compare notes with your other rwrb greedy friends on who did the most on a single day of the year.

Merry Christmas

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

People, please think and throw these tea baggers out in the next election

1. The Republicans refused to raise taxes on million/billionaires to pay for the UI extension and SS tax reduction extension . They claimed they were looking out for the job creators, particularly small businesses (the job engine).

2. Less than 1% of those earning more than 1 million $ per year are small business owners. So, Senators Claire McCaskill (D) and Susan Collins (R) came up with a compromise and excluded the less than .01% of those earning more than 1 million per year from the tax.

3. The Republicans still rejected it.

4. The Republicans came up with an alternative plan to pay for the extensions by cutting education and other growth related government programs and inserted a poison pill - the pipeline.

5. The Senate Republicans realized that this was bad policy and relented and came to a compromise with Senate Democrats.

6. The compromise bill now sits in the House after John Boner endorsed it and is dead from the tea baggers.

7. Nearly all economists stated that the UI extension and SS tax reduction will be good for the economy and create jobs.

Any thinking person can only conclude that these tea baggers' only objective is to do everything they can to insure that the economy stays horrible so as to better their chances of unseating Obama. They could not give a damn how bad their actions hurt the good old US of A.

Thursday, December 15, 2011

How do Republicans live with themselves?

The facts are clear, the extension of UI and the OASDI tax cut WILL help the economy.  The Republican filibuster in the Senate on these issues make it clear that they will in fact do nothing to help the economy in order to meet McConnell's stated objective of ensuring that Obama is a one term president.  I honestly do not know how you Republicans can sleep at night knowing the suffering that you cause.