Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Bush/Cheney knowingly used the housing bubble to get re-elected

Remember Bush touting how many minority and low income people he had gotten into houses for the first time, that home ownership was at its highest point in history, and then would go on to site the unemployment figures...he stated this in several re-election speeches,,, so while I do not believe that Bush was cleaver enough to contrive it, he rode on the backs of Cheney and his cronies that figured it out...hey, let's go with the program started by the bleeding heart liberals, put it on steroids and invent no doc loans and artificially sustain employment to get re-elected...remember that there are 3 new permanent jobs created in association with each house sale.  So, these conivers ran us into the toilet and now McConnell will filibuster anything that could help get us out of this ditch so as to insure an Obama other words, he could not give a damn how much suffering he causes just so they can pass more laws supporting their greed in the future.

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