Saturday, January 28, 2012

Illegal Immigrants

Illegal Immigration is a big issue in the Florida primary and so the focus in the debates.  Here is why we are seeing what we see happening in Florida.

1. The Republican masses (the average Joe) view illegal immigrants as Non-Americans (as they should)  and believe they have no rights in this country and would prefer that they were not here.

2. The Republican power base (the rich white guys) want illegal immigration.  They (the rich) can hire illegals at very low hourly rates and do not have to worry about safe working conditions, health care or any other benefits for that matter.  So who benefits from illegal only get one guess - it is the rich business owners that hire them.  Who suffers from illegal immigration - the rest of us in higher health insurance costs that are inflated since we pay for the uncompensated care provided in the emergency rooms to illegal immigrants, school lunches for their children, food stamps for the parents, additional school and civic resources to support the population etc.

Notice Romney's position, he wants to fine companies that hire illegal immigrants - he does not need large money donors for his campaign whereas Gingrich does and so he takes the opposite position and proposes granting amnesty and citizenship so that his angel donor (Sheldon Adelson) who owns many casinos and hotels, can continue to employ cheep illegal labor.

I think it is disgusting how low these rich powerful greedy people will go to swell their own wallets at the expense of exploiting human beings (illegal immigrants) and destroying our country in the process and Gingrich who is willing to support this mess in order to get elected.  

I said it before and I'll say it again, how can the rank and file blue collar regular working guy republican vote is mind boggling how they are allowing themselves to be manipulated by the republican spin machine and getting screwed in the process.

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