Wednesday, January 18, 2012

President's Jobs Bill

If you are confused about who (Republicans or Democrats) is causing our job creation to stay unacceptably low then you need to ask yourself why the Republicans will not allow the President's jobs bill to go to the floor of the House for an up or down vote....  give up.... ok, I'll tell you.  Because it would help create jobs and the Republicans know that they put us in such a ditch following Bush that all they need to do is stop all corrective actions and the economy will stay in the toilet and Obama will not get re-elected.  The big problem with this is that it hurts people and they (Republicans) apparently don't give a damn.

So, what have the Republicans in the House done this past congress.  They have renamed several Post Offices, read the Constitution out loud on the floor of the House and came up with a collection of crap they call job bills that consisted of nothing more tax reductions for the rich and/or killing regulations.

Think for a moment.  You are a business owner, demand for your product is strong and rising and you make a business decision not to hire additional employees to meet the demand and increase revenues because you don't want to pay more in taxes and the new regulations will reduce your profit margins from 6% down to 5.95%.  Really?  I don't think so.

The Republicans are pure greed and lazy thinking people vote them into office.

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