Sunday, February 19, 2012

Funding our Veteran's Health Care

Why is it that the GOP consistently tries to cut Veterans Administration budgets?   After all, it is usually the GOP chicken hawks that get us into unneeded wars in the first place.  Look at Iraq.  Cheney, Wolfowitz, and Richard Perl bullied dubya into war in Iraq by reminding him that they all felt his daddy was a pussy for not invading Iraq in the first Gulf war.  Cheney never served in the himself 5 deferments.   Cheney and the other clowns were just interested in advancing their Neo Con ambitions to control the middle east with Cheney having the added incentive to make a boat load of money via Halliburton on no bid contracts.  Even a dummy like me could see there was no reason to go into Iraq.  I mean the nuclear inspectors were allowed back into the country and said there were no nukes and the claim of Saddam's affiliation with al-Qaida was absurd.  When I saw those planes flying into the Trade Centers I knew there was a powerful motivation behind such action.  The motivation was a deep religious belief that they were doing the right thing and would be rewarded with 72 virgins for ever for their trouble.   Look, Saddam had erected statues of himself and placed them on every street corner in Baghdad.  He saw himself as lord.  The last thing he wanted to do was to promote competition (Ala, Bin Laden) for the worship he believed he was getting from his subjects.  So, for these very weak and greedy reasons, the country lost thousands of heroes to death and life changing injury.   Now the most pathetic thing to observe is how the GOP chicken hawks want to squeeze pennies when it comes to supporting the needs of our wounded veterans and the voting GOP masses continue to say they honor the troops and continue voting for representatives that constantly vote against supporting the needs of the wounded troops.

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