Friday, February 3, 2012

Persistent crap

I watched a House committee hearing this morning on the new unemployment numbers.  The following is the game plan of these right wing sphincter muscles.  Remember the context here.  The right wing has been bitching... they just can't stand it that needy low income people are getting unemployment is their focus of every discussion that the extended UI needs to end today.  Why?  I just don't know.

Now, with this background (they want to end UI) they spent all morning grilling the head of the Bureau of Labor Statistics painfully parsing apart the new positive employment numbers trying to find/point out negatives such as: (by the way, these rat bastards never asked these questions of the dismal record when bushy was in office)

- Do these new numbers account for people who have simply fallen off the UI roles without finding work, they did.
- Are the new jobs minimum wage or higher paying
- If we were following the Reagan plan could these numbers have been better
- I even heard one of these idiots bitching about the new minimum wage rate of $7+ per hour saying that since employment is improving we ought to move the minimum wage back to the $5 an hour range.

Basically they did everything they could to make the good news look bad just so the president would not get credit for an improving economy in an election year.  But, what these inbred mouth breathing nose picking right wing sphincter muscles did not seem to understand is that the more they negated the good employment news the less strength they retained for their argument to end UI.  If the numbers, in reality, are worse than they appear, then why would you consider ending UI and putting millions of families (yes including children) into the streets.
Don't forget, they (the rat bastards) are in favor of putting families into the street instead of making millionaires like Romney pay a little more in taxes.

Again, why would anyone that is not extremely rich and powerful vote for these guys?

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