Thursday, March 1, 2012

Willard's economic plan

Willard says he will fix the economy by cutting taxes 20% as well as implementing a bunch of other tired old right wing crap ideas.  I watched a discussion with Michael Steele who defended the plan by pointing out that the 20% did not apply only to the wealthy and that in fact it will be a tax cut for all income levels and therefore is a good idea.   As usual, BS!!!!.   The advantage to the low end of the income scale is that they will save $76 per year where as the top .02% (which Willard is among) income earners will save $240,000.00 per year.  So what's wrong with this picture?  I mean it is fare since all income groups get the same cut...  The problem is the impact on the debt.  We do not need the $76 to balance the budget.  I would rather the low income group keep the money because they will spend it in ways that will help the economy.  We do however need the $240,000.00 because the rich will not spend it like the poor.  They will simply invest in oversees opportunities or fatten their off shore bank accounts. 

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