Sunday, February 12, 2012


This guy is dangerous.  Newt is a rotten prick but in the end will arrive at rationality.  Willard is a pandering punk and in the end will be easily bent to rationality.  Santorum though, this guy is driven by religious zeal.  He is the epitome of what our founding fathers were trying to protect against when they wrote the constitution and insisted on a separation between church and state.  The reason is that NO, yes NO religion is wrong to those that believe and EACH religion is uncompromising as only THEY know the TRUTH.  Why would anyone believe in a religion that is truthful only part of the time.  So, Santorum's radical ideas are easily explained by his uncompromising religious beliefs.  His religion will not allow him to engage in birth control for example even though it is proven to prevent unwanted pregnancies and certain health problems such a cancer in women.  I could site more examples but all you need to do is listen to this guy and you should be rightfully scared to death to give him any authority over political decisions.  People like him will get us into a serious war very quickly based on his uncompromising beliefs.   

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